Monday 10 March 2014

2013 Year in Review Q&A Tag ♥

Hello everyone! Time for another tag! I was recently tagged by the lovely Ruby from Oh Ruby who you can find here :) Thank you Ruby!

The rules are: 
1. In your post, be sure to link back and thank the blogger that previously tagged you.
2. Answer the questions below and tag at least 5 other bloggers. 
3. Include the badge in your post.

1. Your top five favourite blogs to read in 2013

2. List your five most read blog posts of 2013
As I only started seriously posting in 2014 I don't have any most read blog posts as I deleted them.

3. Name one blog you wish you had found sooner
Rachel says fabulous

4. Your favourite blog post of 2013
Again I don't have one as I only started posting in January 2014.

5. What would you like to improve (if anything) on your blog this year?
My design and layout as a blog has to look good although it is very time consuming and I find it quite difficult.

6. Name one blog you have a blog crush on
I think this would have to be Ruby - her blog is here

7. How often do you post?
I don't really have a certain schedule, I maybe should and I might have to look into that soon however I generally post ever 2-3 days :)

8. Share your first post of 2013
I don't have it anymore as I deleted it however it was describing my holiday in Portugal.

9. Name one thing you'd be doing if you weren't typing this post right now
Revising for my exams which is boring but very very important.

10. What have you loved the most about blogging this year?
Interacting with new and different bloggers, getting follows and getting wonderful comments ♥ 

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